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[vmware] Enhanced keyboard driver 본문
Vmware 8.0 이후 부터 키보드 필터를 포함한 키보드 드라이버가 기본으로 깔리지 않는다. 설치를 위해서는 설치 시 체크박스를 표시해주면 된다. (10메가의 공간이 추가로 필요. )
Installation Changes and Enhanced Keyboards
The hardware requirements to install this version of Workstation have changed. Workstation now requires a relatively modern 64-bit CPU. See Installation Requirements for details.
The keyboard filter driver is no longer installed by default. When the driver is not installed, the enhanced keyboard functionality is unavailable and you must press Ctrl-Alt-Ins instead of Ctrl-Alt-Del to send a Ctrl-Alt-Del keystroke to the guest.
To use the enhanced keyboard functionality, you must perform a custom installation and select the component. If you select the component, you must reboot whenever you install or uninstall Workstation.
VMware Workstation 8.0 Release Notes
VMware Workstation 8.0 Release Notes VMware Workstation 8.0 | 09 14 2011 | Build 471780 Last updated: 22 SEPT 2011 Check frequently for additions and updates to these release notes. These release notes include the following topics. What's New This release
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